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You Losing Weight Program

YOU: Losing Weight Program includes a collection of 99 tips and practical strategies to help you get in shape and achieve the body you have always wanted.

In this ebook we explain why crash dieting never works as a long-term strategy for losing weight. The ebook consists of separate sections addressing different aspects of a weight loss program including Body Basics, Food, Activity and Exercise, Mind, Lifestyle and More.

Throughout You Losing Weight, you will find comprehensive information about the science of weight loss, the influence of hormones on metabolism and appetite, education about basic nutrition and practical tips.

A fourteen-day diet plan is included which includes three meals and two snacks daily. The meals emphasize fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Every other day you are permitted a dessert such as an ounce of dark chocolate.

Dieting can’t be hard if you are to succeed for a lifetime, and it should never feel like a sacrifice. With the right strategy, you can make the lifestyle changes that you need to lose weight and get healthy for good. 

YOU: Losing Weight is easy to follow and understand and is packed with everything need to know about how to develop better habits that will keep pounds off for good.

You Losing Weight Program



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